Expense Digit allows you to track your monthly Expenses, Income, sales activities and get overview of your current month activities and past months. You can review your expenses of each category in a chart view.
* Transactions :-
Add your activity for expense/income. You can also change the default date for your past activity
You can select payment type for your activity. So you can review how much you spend by cash/debit/credit card etc.
* Category :-
There are some predefined category list. Also, You can create new category
You can re-arrange category list by drag and drop. This will result in Quick Activity list in home page
* Statistics :-
Detailed reports on current month activities and recent month activities
Monitor Expense/Income by each category in a chart view
* Notes :-
Write a note about your financial activity
* Backup/Restore :-
Backup your data to device folder. You can restore at any time at the point of backup